Month: March 2022

#CB99talks 85 (A Week of WMMA)

Welcome back fans, it’s been a wild long week of fights so I want to spend this episode discussing these cards with you! -Invicta FC 46 -LFA 126 -Bellator 276 -JJ Aldrich vs. Gillian Robertson -Sabina Mazo vs. Miranda Maverick Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

#CB99talks 84 (History and Supremacy)

Welcome back fight fans lets talk: Last weeks WMMA fights on the UFC 272 card The UFC 115 lb division and it’s talent Invicta FC 46 Fightweek – JJ Aldrich vs. Gillian Robertson, Sabina Mazo vs. Miranda Maverick Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS